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Defend Dignity

“Individuals who have been victimized are faced with the overwhelming task of trying to remove illegal content that should never have been distributed and profited from in the first place. It’s time for pornography websites to be held accountable. Content should not be hosted without proof that all the individuals depicted are adults and have consented to both the creation and distribution of the material on that platform. We give full support to the Stopping Internet Sexual Exploitation Act.” 

London Abused Women’s Centre

"Companies like PornHub and MindGeek are normalizing violence against women and girls.  The actions of these companies do not protect women and girls from sexual exploitation but the SISE Act can.  We know that children, non-consenting adults and trafficked women have been raped and tortured for the world to see on these websites, it is time for them to be held accountable for their actions.  Parliament must protect those who are most vulnerable, the SISE Act provides important tools to help accomplish this." 

- Jennifer Dunn, Executive Director

Hope Resource Centre Association

“Hope Resource Centre is pleased to endorse the (SISE) Act.  Our hope is the (SISE) Act will increase a legal understanding vital to reducing internet sexual exploitation we see rampant in rural and remote areas, by reducing opportunity for recidivism; increasing supports for victims coping with the psychological suffering related to their experiences and by removing re-victimization within the courtroom.  Currently, the legal system is constrained in its response to internet sexual exploitation; at times viewing it as less violating, minimizing the victims’ experiences; resulting in lower penalties for the offender.  These unexpected legal responses impact the victim(s) in devastating forms as they (children and adults) are left feeling not believed and unprotected.  Hope Resource Centre is confident the (SISE) Act will provide necessary systemic protective changes as we lead by example to encourage global collaboration through increased awareness and preventative action within Canada to this insidious form of abuse -  internet sexual exploitation.” 

- Sylvia Yoder, Executive Director

Foundation RA

"I support the SISE Act. Canada's Parliament needs to urgently implement the SISE Act which would save many lives. Everyone deserves basic human rights, dignity and a life without online exploitation."

- Uldouz Wallace, Survivor of 2014 iCloud Hack, Award Winning Actress, Executive Producer, Activist & Director of Foundation RA

Salvation Army

“The Salvation Army has worked closely over the years with people who have experienced or survived sexual exploitation. We know that their voices and wishes are rarely heard or respected. The Stopping Internet Sexual Exploitation Act is an important step toward establishing safeguards to protect adults and minors from having unwanted images of them posted and shared over the internet for commercial gain at their expense.” 

- Commissioner Floyd Tidd, National Leader

Montreal Council Of Women

“On behalf of the membership of the Montreal Council of Women (MWC) I wish to confirm our deep concern for those whose lives have been upended by having their images involuntarily and/or without consent shared on websites and other platforms such as the Montreal based PornHub. The proposed “Stopping Internet Sexual Exploitation Act” bill calls for much needed amendments to be made to the Criminal Code to protect children and those who have not given consent for their images and other content to be shared and commodified.” 

- Penny Rankin, Past President

Parents Aware

"Parents Aware offers our full support on the Criminal Code amendments that are proposed in the Stopping Internet Sexual Exploitation Act. We feel that the addition of these offences with penalties is an effective way to hold companies and individuals criminally responsible when creating and distributing pornographic content depicting underage participants."
- Lisa Whitsitt,  Director of Educational Outreach

Justice Defense Fund

“There is not a more important piece of legislation to protect victims from criminal sexual exploitation online than mandatory age and consent verification for pornography production and distribution online. This is a long overdue, commonsense, and urgently needed regulation that has the potential to protect thousands, if not millions of individuals, including children, from facing life altering, traumatic, sexual abuse.” 

- Laila Mickelwait, Founder, Traffickinghub movement and CEO, Justice Defense Fund

National Center on Sexual Explotation.jpg

“The pornography industry systemically fails to verify age or consent – leading to horrific trauma for survivors of sex trafficking, child sexual abuse, and non-consensually shared/recorded intimate images as their sexual exploitation is viewed around the world. It is time for a paradigm shift, and for survivors to be heard. This bill is an important step in that direction.” 

- Dani Bianculli Pinter, Senior Legal Counsel


“Children and youth face devastating, lifelong consequences when images of their abuse and exploitation are streamed and distributed.  Commercial pornography sites must be held responsible to ensure exploitative and non-consensual images are not uploaded and that they are swiftly removed once discovered. The onus must not be on victims. By requiring that the age and consent of every person depicted in sexually explicit material be verified before it is posted online, the Stopping Internet Sexual Exploitation Act puts the responsibility where it belongs. We support this bill’s measures to ensure illegal content is not uploaded in the first place.”   

- Julia Beazley, Director of Public Policy

National Council of Women of Canada.PNG

"The National Council of Women of Canada (NCWC) welcomes the proposed Bill “Stopping Internet Sexual Exploitation Act” that calls for amendments to the Criminal Code to protect those whose rights are brutally ignored. Content, acquired and shared without consent, is unacceptable in a just society. That children, who cannot “give” consent, are victims is to contravene all principles and laws, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The distribution of adult content must include a verification process that establishes that all participants are of legal age and that all participants depicted have consented to the distribution and commodification of the material. That material acquired and commodified without consent continues to circulate is to revictimize the victims. Pornography websites and other platforms must be held accountable.” 

- Patricia Leson, President

“It is unacceptable that companies such as MindGeek have operated with impunity while profiting off traumatic experiences of sexual assault, exploitation, and sex trafficking. Canadians must take a stand and insist that our country not be a safe haven for people to financially benefit from the recorded sexual victimization of anyone - especially youth. The SISE Act is a necessary step in ensuring that those who capitalize on filmed sex crimes are held accountable for the immense harm their actions cause.” 


- Andrea Heinz, Executive Director of Labeled Docuseries, Activist, Exited from  Commercial Sex Trade in Edmonton, AB

Survivor Safety Matters

 “Survivor Safety Matters believes that every person should have the right to protect their privacy and have control over their personal information and images. We support the SISE Act and the requirement for informed consent to be obtained before pornographic images of an individual can be shared with anyone. It is no secret that women and girls are routinely degraded and exploited online through the unauthorized sharing of their private and personal images. This causes lasting harm to the individual that often cannot be undone.”

- Survivor Safety Matters



"As a non-partisan collective of diverse individuals, survivors, and organizations working together to end all forms of sexual exploitation, VCASE strongly supports Bill C-270. If passed, this important private-member’s bill would prohibit any person or company from creating or
publishing pornographic content for a commercial purpose without verifying the age and expressed consent of each individual portrayed. It also allows individuals to revoke their express content. We note that this action was a key recommendation of the Standing Committee on Ethics in its 2021 Report on Pornhub and was unanimously supported by all parties. Pornhub has now adopted the policy that all uploads require a submission of proof of consent from each individual depicted, in addition to verification of age. Bill C-270 would require all pornographic companies to implement this critical step. Canadians, especially the young and vulnerable, urgently need this protection. We urge all members of Parliament to support this vital bill."

- Sandra Harrison, Chair, Vancouver Collective Against Sexual Exploitation

Joy Smith Foundation

"I highly recommend Bill C-270, Stopping Internet Sexual Exploitation Act to be passed immediately. It is of paramount importance to amend the criminal code, to prohibit a person from making, distributing, or advertising pornographic material for commercial purposes to underaged individuals. This would provide victims of human trafficking a way to have explicit material they were forced to make removed from the internet. An integral part of this valuable Bill is to focus on our youth and ensure each person whose image is depicted in the material is a consenting 18 years or older. Having worked over 7000 cases of survivors of human trafficking and their families, it is critical the criminal code be amended to ensure the safety of underaged individuals. With the passing of this Bill, victims of human trafficking will have the authority to have explicit material that they did not consent to, taken off the internet."


- Joy Smith, B.Ed M.Ed OM, Former Member of Parliament, Founder of The Joy Smith Foundation


"CEASE UK is a human rights charity, working to end sexual exploitation by exposing and dismantling its cultural and commercial drivers. As a result, our sights are set on the pornography industry, which has evaded regulation and accountability for decades. We thoroughly welcome Bill C-270, which will prevent pornography sites from profiting from videos of non-consensual pornography and child abuse.


Our website 

features testimonies of those like ‘Victoria’ who is a victim of nonconsensual pornography. She writes “I now have PTSD and depression. I was suicidal. It ruined my life. Pornhub is the cause of my ongoing exploitation and will not remove the content. Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Facebook and all of the other platforms have also played a role in my exploitation and refuse to remove the naked images, fake profiles, etc. associated with my abuse and bullying by my abuser and other predators.”


Legislation that demands age and consent checks from anyone featured in pornographic content is necessary as a minimum standard for ensuring individuals’ safety and wellbeing, and we urge the Canadian parliament to support this bill."




"To be protected when vulnerable is a human right as outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Soroptimist International recognises that for the pornography industry, women and girls have greater vulnerabilities, that include young age, financial insecurity, and exposure to sexualized violence. Social protections for youth must include protection from participation in pornographic materials and sexualized images being shared online. That is why Soroptimist International WCR (Western Canada Region) supports Bill C-270 and will continue to educate women and girls about their rights."

- Soroptimist International WRC

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